Thursday, August 30, 2007

What a Good Sister You Are!

This is my sister appreciation blog!

Ok, Pooh (ish), this is just for you, for being
such a good sister-- and a good person, too.

It seems it’s easy enough to love someone,
especially someone in your family, a person
you are supposed to love; it’s much harder
to like a person. It’s hard to continue to like
a person when you’ve known them for a
number of years. But I have to say, my sister
is a person that I actually like. I can’t say
that about many people on this planet.

My sister & I often have long talks about
things, & one topic we come across often
is our childhood. We grew up in the
same house, but we definitely had
different experiences: I was (am!) the
older child, and was always in trouble
or causing trouble. I was grounded
most of my teenage years, for one stupid
thing or another, and thankfully little
Sis was clever enough to avoid doing
any of the things I did and thus avoided
much of the trouble I had. Thinking back
on it, though, I wish that I had paid more
attention to what was going on in her
life, & had been a better big sister. I
say this because every now & then,
Sister tells me things that happened/
didn’t happen that I maybe could have
helped her with. We have a really good
relationship now, but I kind of wish that
it had been better then. I guess we both
had our difficulties growing up.

So, despite growing up around people
who are not kind, generous, open minded,
sweet, artistic, etc, my Little Sister has
turned out to be just all those things.

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