Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I am clearly insane.

Soooo... I took a p/t job at a retired folks home, serving them
lunch & dinner in their creepy hotel-like little restaurant.
I accepted the job, but couldn't go through with it.

This is not the first time I have run screaming from a job: it
might be the funniest though. I literally ran out the back door
when I realized I could not do this job. There are many reasons
for it, I won't get into those, but just picture this: Me, a tiny small
girl, trying on a thin white server shirt, sleeves hitting my finger-
tips and tail hitting close to my knees, (I looked ridiculous),
tearing off the white shirt, flinging it on the dirty bench in the
even dirtier ladies' room (only for staff of course), with the low
ceiling, so low I could touch it myself, running for the recently
discovered back door, flinging it open, feeling as if I'd just
broken out of prison, and running to my car, mumbling under
my breath many many offensive & fun words. I really looked,
for the moment, like a cartoon character.

Now here's my official story on why I left, the OCD free version:
it was only part time, but the hours were so odd that it was
gonna be really difficult to find something else to supplement
it. I don't mind working two jobs but they need to mesh
together in some way, schedule-wise.
So I"m back to searching again.

Now, something else that has worried me for the past few days:
The cost of graduate school vs. the amount of money I've
been offered at the only job I've been offered in the past
3 months:
Grad school: $700 per hour. PER HOUR!!!
Job offer: $9.00 per hour.
Whats the percentage you may ask?

.012 percent. Going to graduate school and paying $700
an hour has yielded me, so far, a job offer of .01% of what
I paid.

What else can I say?


M said...

Wait, wait, wait... explain it to me one more time. I seem to have missed the part wherein running screaming from what is clearly the worst job ever makes you insane. I would claim this one as a victory for your mental faculties. Excellent retelling of the story, I might add.

Man, I need to email you. Been missing chatting with you!

nayade said...

hi jen...! my god, i don't know if i have understood well, this 700 per hour is what you have to pay back to the state for have been studying and getting your Degree?? is that your debt with the state?? my god, how many hours were you there???
i'm shocked, what a horrible thing! that 9 (here €) was what i earned in amsterdam making pizzas and calzones (i know what you talk about!!) and resisting a terrible man (my boss) who was from california and talked an english which made me mad. i was always saying 'whaaaat????'--> this is a little joke, haha.

i'm with marjorie, leave running from there is very sane!! come on, even you could not fit it in a organized schedule. what about private classes? they are better paid. and what about a trip around the world? you can teach english somewhere and write at the same time... don't know i'm shocked.

have you tried that yogy tea of the picture with milk, yummy!!!

wish you more luck in the next, and even if it's in a restaurant at least without a ridiculous dress, god it SUCKS!!! run!!!