Tuesday, November 27, 2007

nothing's gonna change my world?

I have had the song "Across the Universe"
stuck in my head for a number of days now,
particularly the above line. No, it's not
a question in the song, it's a statement.
For me, it is a question, along the lines
of "are things ever gonna change"?

I am not an idealist: I am nowhere in the
vicinity of being one; as most people know,
I am a cynical, misanthropic, pessimist to the
core. But I do have the occasional ephemeral
glimmer of hope in me, yet I don't dare indulge
in it, because I know just where that will get me:
Right here, in the gutter, not looking up to
see the stars, as Oscar Wilde suggests, but
looking right into the mud.
Not that I am one to wallow in misery, or bitch
and moan constantly. But after having spent
an unusual amount of time energy and patience,
and still not having found gainful employment,
I am just absolutely fucking miserable. My ego,
not to mention my checkbook, is battered and
bruised and seriously in need of something.
Something really big, something stupendous and
earth-shattering. Something to lift me out of
this self-flagellating state I am in, something
that will get me out of this hell-hole of debt
I am in. Seriously, I am just begging the Universe
to throw me a goddamn bone! And I'm vegetarian!!
But hey, who can afford morals and values and
choices these days, eh?
I'm not interested in being rich and famous and
all that, but I would like to live without the
stress of money and debt. I would like to live
in a country where the money is actually worth
something. I really would like to live in a place
in which I can find a job that pays the bills,
a job that I wouldn't despise too awfully much.

You know, I was gonna write a blog about how
I was thankful for... something.

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