Thursday, October 18, 2007

Stress Ball

I love stress. Love it.
Stress turns me into a tiny ball of fury,
full of piss & vinegar, and constant ickiness.

Not only that, stress affects me physically.
today, stress showed up at the cafe, right after
the lunch rush, in the form of me passing out in
the hallway. Lovely.
I hate fainting: I hate that fuzzy-headedness,
that feeling of losing control, the weakness in
my muscles. I know that this is the result of
stress; I know that all the things I"m worried
about are coming out in physical ways. My body
is trying desperately to tell me something.

Here's what I think my body is telling me:
First off, quit working the graveyard shift!
You don't like it, it doesn't like you, it's a
bad fit. Get out. It's affecting your sleep &
eating patterns in very bad ways. Get OUT!

Also, stop worrying about money. I hate money,
the very thought of it burns me up. Unfortunately,
in this country, you need money to live. I am
looking for ways in which I can change that. I am
sick to death of worrying about money. It is not
the most important thing in my life, not by a long
long shot. Lately, every time I think about money,
I feel a tightening in my chest. Ugh.

Last night, my stress showed itself in a nice little
crying jag, which did indeed make me feel better.
What didn't help was that I was also watching the
Ken Burns doc "The War" on PBS: not the best choice
for someone already feeling low. But I have a keen
interest in WWII, I couldn't stop watching it. I am
determined to see the entire thing, especially after
seeing how deftly he handled the issue of black americans
in the military and the Jim Crow laws, etc. So I will
plan on watching more when I'm in a less tearful place.

Finally, I have another sort of stress: the stress of
the absolutely overwhelming yearning I have for a
certain man who lives on another continent.
This is not a bad thing, of course: but this kind of
yearning can feel never-ending. Again, my body is
telling me things. And I can't do anything about this
one... not just yet anyway.

So, in the meantime, I plan to do the following:
*stop worrying/obsessing! easier said than done,
but will give it a shot.
*Sleep more
*Eat better, take vitamins, etc.

And as far as the yearning goes... well looks
like that one I'll just have to deal with, for a
little bit longer.


nayade said...

:-) hi jen, this sounds very good in spite of the stress. because you're making positive plans to overcome it, did them work? hope so!
and the other continent... europe?? :-) i wish the best in everything jen!

Jen said...

hi sophie-- yes, the continent is europe, specifically, London, UK!!

sophie2 said...

oh!!! so near! :-) hope everything will go fine!!
have you ever been there? i was some years ago and i liked london a lot!
i'm fine, just need to disconnect a little bit... thanks!

rpw said...

in case you were wondering, i started posting stupid shit on here until i get some good blogging in.

Unknown said...

Absolute yearning eh? well i better get on & book my ticket right now, well in about an hour or so, gonna have something to eat first if that's ok my love xxx