Monday, July 30, 2007

What the Fuck?

This is the question I am asking myself today:
Why the fuck did I waste all the time & money
I've wasted on getting an education, one that
should, by all accounts, get me a better job,
one that will sustain me in the lifestyle I am
accustomed to (which is currently at the poverty
level, I have no income at all)??
No, seriously, what's the point of getting an
education when, once you graduate, you have no
hopes of getting a job, no way of paying back
your student loans, and you are still living
right on the edge? I swear to goddess, I am
this close to living in my car, I'm worried about
what will happen to my cats, where will they go??

I so want to blame our government for this, it seems
so ridiculous (but also true) that the gov't makes a
lot of money of this education industry, in the form
of student loans of course, all the interest, the
ease in which anyone who wants to go to a good school
can get loads of money in which to do so. That
person has the haze of higher education over their
eyes: they think that everything they are learning
is going to be useful in the near future, they
are going to get a job in their chosen field, they
will be successful in some manner. I know this
must happen for some folks but I know it does not
happen for us all. Degrees that train you for
nothing will get you nothing. Right now the only
people calling me back about jobs are diners and
cafe's, and I didn't go to grad school to work
in some goddamn cafe. But that's where I'll
be working, if they fucking hire me, because
that's what a MA in English will fucking get you.


M said...

I adore you. This sucks, I know, and no amount of commiserating from me is gonna you less pissed at the situation-- or fix the situation, for that matter. If there's anything I can do, let me know, chica.

nayade said...

really it sucks. it's same song here in spain, the only thing is that here you can't borrow money from the state like there, but you study the same for nothing. i know this is so stupid but don't desperate, in the last point you always can go to another country and teach English. it's stupid i know! but think at least you're an English speaker better than a Chinese! something is something. if i'm lucky i will be teaching Spanish next course, don't know where yet.

ah! i answered you in my blog, of course you can link me in your blog! that's very nice of you :-)
and thanks for your comment, i have such a horrible summer, i knew it was going to be bad! :(
well, resist. and don't lose heart, believe in yourself, you will find a way i trust it

Pastor Shane Ogle said...

Yeah, I suppose it's true, "Life sucks and then you die." (Ecclesiastes 1:13-18)

Or perhaps... (Ecclesiastes 12:10-14)

(This has been my own experience)

...just a thought.

God bless.

-the Preacher (Ecclesiastes 12:6-7)