Thursday, July 12, 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Anonymous said...

fucking love it mate

Jen said...

hopefully i'll get it fixed so you can see the whole thing!!

M said...

Damon made your hair so cute! Almost as great as real life!

Jen said...

yep i know, how great is Damon! of course I wish I could figure out how to get the whole thing on here, do you have any suggestions? you've been messing around with blogger for longer than me, is there any way to fix it? help!

nayade said...

is it you! it's so cute yes!

M said...

I think I had a similar problem once, but I do not, for the life of me, recall how I fixed it. I don't know if you've switched over to the new google Blogger template yet, but there's a lot less fixing you have to do yourself when you do. I mean, you don't have to be able to read html to fix layout issues... they've got handy-dandy buttons that do stuff for you. My hunch is that your file is too big and the margin settings on your template are not accommodating it particularly well. But god knows, I'm no kinda tech-nerd.