Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The OCD Waiting Room

Job interviews: gotta love 'em.

So I had an interview today at a publishing company here
in Nashville, for some type of editing job. I didn't do any
research on this company before going to the meeting,
although I probably should have.
I get there early, my appointment is at 11.45am. I expect
to wait a few minutes, no big deal. The receptionist pages the
Dr.-----, who I am to interview with. I see him walk, several
times, around the balcony of the second floor, as I am sitting
and waiting patiently, tiring quickly of looking at the horrid
flowery oil paintings, and the tiny sliver of the bookstore I can
see from my seat, which is filled with African-American themed
religious materials. Oh, this company is a Baptist publishing house...
So Dr.---- sees me sitting in the sparse lobby, he knows I am waiting.
Around 12.05, he has the receptionist send me to the top of the
stairs to meet him. He then ushers me into his secretary's office,
and gives me a slight apology: they are still interviewing, they
are slightly behind, it will be five more minutes...
After another twenty minutes, I am steaming. I am furious.
By the time 12.30 rolls around, I cannot take it any longer. I
get up and leave.
The entire time I'm waiting, though, a million thoughts are
rushing through my mind. Sitting in that lobby, I realized
that I didn't want to be sitting in that lobby, waiting for someone
to look over my credentials, size me up, see if I'm good enough.
I didn't want to waste my time and energy trying to get a position
that isn't really suited for me. I know what I want to do, and sitting
there waiting for someone else is NOT going to get me where I want
to be.
I also realized this: it is not cool to keep someone with OCD
waiting for too long. I would have talked myself right out of
that job for some reason or another, 45 minutes is way too
long to keep a person waiting, leaving them to obsess about
this or that or the other.... and it's just fucking rude, to top
it off.
So do I feel guilty about leaving before giving this whole
thing a chance? Not really. And I hope it stays that way.


Anonymous said...

hey jen, good on you! jesus, would you want to work for a company or a person like that? i wouldn't, especially if the job wasn't even suited to me. i've been invited to job interviews and turned them down because i think they treated their applicants poorly, which is never a good sign. so i'm sorry that you wasted your time and got so angry, but applaud you for leaving. they don't deserve to have you working for them, so bollocks to them.

M said...

Interviewing blows goats. Really, it does. Oh, Jen-- good luck. I hope you find what you need... and I doubt the Christian publishers would know what to do with a fantastic irreverent specimen such as yourself anyway!

Jen said...

thanks guys, yes i doubt they would know what to do with me, really! but i guess it's back to job hunting again for me!

Anonymous said...

I would rather go to the reunion than work at a place like that. Better to find out now. ML