Monday, July 02, 2007

Hanging Up

Man is the cruelest animal.
Friedrich Nietzsche.

Why is that? Why is it, that the animal that is supposedly
the most intelligent, the most evolved, can also be the
most cruel? Uncaring? Uncouth?

I was talking to my sister yesterday about our lovely
childhood, how our mother would yell at us instead
of talking to us; how I was the bad kid and so my
sister was able to avoid most of the yelling. It was
mostly directed at me, because as most of my friends
know, I am a horrible person.... HA. So anyway, we
talked about how our mother will get angry with us
as adults, and she's picked up the habit of just
hanging up the phone, instead of talking through
things. I've hung up on her many times, but all those
times were when I was about sixteen. I think I've
matured a little since then. But seriously, if you care
about a person-- and one should care about their own
children-- then why would you treat them like some
unworthy stranger, and hang up in their face? It dawned
on me, during this conversation with my sister, that if
I really cared about a person, I wouldn't hang up in their
face; so what does this tell me about my own mother?


M said...

I hang up on people a lot. Never my mother--- she's far too sensitive and I always feel really bad when I hurt her feelings. But I used to hang up on Michelle all the time, particularly during the *year* we spent trying to break up with each other. She'd go into these screeching rants about how I was a slut and never loved her and I'd beg her to calm down and be reasonable until I'd feel myself starting to get angry, too. That was the point at which I'd slap my cellphone shut and then she'd call back 20 or 30 times until I answered again. Sometimes she'd be the one to hang up. It was never pretty.

I also still hang up on Jon with some frequency. That boy just drives me up a fucking wall. I often feel that he and I get into this rut where we're just arguing opposite sides of something just to argue... and then I get bored and no longer want to participate and he insists we talk thru it until HE'S not angry any more... but, in my head, I've already dropped it and am now just annoyed he won't let me off the phone. Good god. Am I the boy in that relationship?

My point is that I think I've developed a nasty habit of this hanging up business. I acknowledge that it's totally disrespectful and childish, but I don't think it's so much that I don't care for the person on the other end as it is that I very much love some very infuriating people. And I, likewise, am probably also very infuriating.

Though, I do wish the argument that I'm running low on minutes held more water during telephone arguments!

Oh, and on a completely other note: I bought the sexiest pair of little silver strappy sandals yesterday. You wouldn't even believe how great they are. I miss you and wish you could have accompanied me for their purchase!

And I like you BECAUSE you're the bad kid. And I promise to never hang up on you, my darling!

Jen said...

you, infuriating, nevah! yeah, i've been in relationships where hanging up was a frequent thing, and i must say they were not good relationships!
you and your strappy sandals- damn! i've not been shopping in so long, sigh.
and i intend on remaining the bad kid, it's much more fun i think!

nayade said...

hmm... hanging up, i'm with you, jen. i think i would take that very badly, especialy from a close person. but on the other hand i understand marjorie too. it must be very annoying to have to resist a conversation that you already expressed the wish to end. so, from that point of view, 'make the other listen' is the same bad than hung up directly, the difference is only related to politeness, and social rules suck.
although i think i only did it twice in my life and because i felt so bad that i really felt like dissolving and hunged up.

nayade said...

aaah sorry! hang-hanged, what a mess between the 'a' and 'u'! sorry it's very late and i have some problems to focus at this moment!! :')

Anonymous said...

Someone wouldn't hang up on you if you didn't critisize every thing that person says or does. Grow up

Jen said...

Hello “anonymous”, you’re awfully brave for someone who didn’t leave their name. Let’s get
some things straight, shall we? First of all, I don’tconsider asking your own mother to be more
supportive chastising: I consider it an adult thing to do, after all, don’t we expect our parents to be
supportive when we need it? Sorry, but for me, platitudes and cliches aren’t gonna cut it. We all
need guidance and advice and support from our family/friends, and if I can’t ask for it from myown mother without her considering it criticism,then clearly someone needs to grow up, and it’s not me. I consider asking someone for support a necessary thing, if I’m not getting it. This is what some people call ‘communication.’ Clearly members of my own family are not good in this area.
Secondly, and this is gonna be a bit harsh,but when I was at a very low point in my life, so
low in fact that there was clearly a chance that I might lose my life, there was a clear lack of support. What I recieved instead of that was a great deal of anger. So if it seems that I am a little sensitve to how I’m treated, I’ve got a good
goddamn reason for it.
So maybe you’re right: maybe I should grow up. Maybe I should realize that some people can never give you what you need,there are some people in this world who can never change.