Thursday, June 21, 2007

What Do YOU Want?

A friend asked me recently, What does Jen want? I struggled to
answer him. That's a big question, one that requires careful
thinking. Lots of thinking. Here is the start of my list, it
may grow as I continue to think about it. Thanks to my
friend, for giving me cause to think of such things.

I want to be needed, useful, have a purpose on this Earth.
I want contentment. I want to have a day in which I am not
afraid of anything. I want to kiss a man who loves me.
I want to read in bed every night. I want to dance around
the house with abandon. I want to sing at the top of my lungs.
I want to live, move, breathe. I want to think, to yearn, to be.
I want to want. I want to be wanted.
And most of all, I want to have a pillow-fight with you.